Team mate contd

Created by Paul 8 years ago
So I paid for his boots but didn't ask for the money - he never said anything for a while until Trevor Booker from memory was moaning that he hadn't paid up for a bet or something and he made a point of saying I hadn't asked him once for the money for the boots...and he gave me the 5er or whatever it was...that was PC he was testing me out and he was alright with me! Played with him and against him and although I thought I was tough he was the toughest I saw...whacked me in the chest off the ball at Ramsgate (I was at Ramsgate) and just started laughing! Great lad Paul, had a lot of time for him - looked up to him in those early football years definitely as a player and and a fella still think of him as I pass his old house off Belmont RIP mate